Shareware, trialware, demos and commercial and
Chinese Checkers / Halma games

3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited 2.0

Shareware game (12.95 Euro)
from TLKgames
(2004). Play against the computer or on a network. English/french
language. Sound, music, support for 3 screen resolutions (640,
800, 1024). One stop jump-rule and multiple steps jump-rule.
DX8 and DX9 versions, Windows. The shareware version lacks
load/save game, multiplayer options and some audio and visual
- Download shareware version (2,5

Bicycle Board Games |

'Chinese Checkers' is one
of fifteen board games in this retail ($19.99) collection from
Microsoft. List of all games:
Mancala, Color Match, Vanish, Five Dice, Mill, Chess, Checkers, Chinese
Checkers, Dominoes, Backgammon, Four-in-a-Row, Sink the Ships, Reversi,
Mahjong, Cross and Circles.
Req.: 95/98/Me/2000/XP. More information at Microsoft
/ Microsoft.
Buy at Amazon.
There is also a Chinese
Checkers game in Microsoft Classic Board Games
(2000) (Amazon)

Carl's Classics 1.52

A shareware ($19.95) game collection from
Sweden with 14 games, including Chinese Checkers and MiniChina
(2 player variant). Play against the computer or other people
or Network / Internet play. 3 difficulty levels.
Publisher: Game
ON Sweden. Min. req.: Windows 95 and up,
Pentium 166MHz, 16mb Ram, video card 1mb (800x600 with 65 536
Comments: I like both the cute graphics and the way the
games are presented. Recommended!!
- ccsetup.exe (4,9 mb)

CAT Chinese Checkers 1.1
Shareware ($13.95) for the handheld Palm (OS
2.0), made by C.A.T., Inc. Handango.
With colours, three skill levels, play
against another person or the computer.
- catcheckersdemo.zip (13

CellHalma 1.0

Commercial ($11.00) Halma game by Cellsoft
(2003), made for EPOC, Nokia 7650.
Halma variations. Play alone or over Bluetooth. Computer players
allowed in Bluetooth and stand-alone games. 2 and 4 player games.
8x8,10x10,12x12,14x14 and 16x16 boards. 3 Computer skill levels.
Optional 'long jump' moves.
10 days trial. Info: Download.com
- cellhalma-demo.sis (168 kb)

Championship Chinese
Checkers 2.5 |

A shareware ($10) game from 1997 by Tom
Lai (Vancouver, Canada). 15
days trial version available. Works on Win95/ 98/ME/NT (but not XP).
Main point is cute graphics,
a helpful referee for easy learning, WAV sounds, undo, redo. One to 3
players (or play against the computer). Also known as 'Animated
Chinese Checkers 1.1'(Ultisoft).
Comments: Beginning to
show it's age; but I'm still a sucker for cute, cartoony graphics.. :-)
cccheck.zip (371 kb)

Chinese Checkers 1.0
A shareware ($7.00) for the organizer PalmPilot
by AK
Analytics. There
is a limited trial (can only be
launched twice) available.
chinese-v21.zip (10 kb)

Chinese Checkers Version 2.1

For Pocket PC 2002 (WinCE / ARM CPU)
- shareware game ($5.95) from IcebergFU's
A nice review at PDArcade.
Product details at Handango
- cchecker21demo.exe (88 kb)

Chinese Checkers for
3.0 |
commercial Chinese Checkers game for Smartphones. Requires Smartphone 2003 or
later, 76.8K RAM for program. Made by IcebergFu's Software.
from Handango
Undo, redo, 3 skill levels, 1-6 players, human or computer, show hints,
show progress, show move. Two game rules can be changed.
=> 1. Cross Neutral Zone. 2. Advanced Jump Rule.
(71kb) |

Chinese Checkers Master 1.03

Commercial game ($24.95) by Guardian
Games (2004). "Intelligent computer opponents...choose the
skill level of each computer opponent - Novice to Master player" (5
levels), statistics database, hint, undo, redo, change wallpaper (bmp),
sounds, rules, strategy tips. Req.: 95/98/ME/XP. 15 days trial
No doubt - one of the best CC games !
known as 'Champion Chinese Checkers'.
ccmsetup_1000.exe (3,4 mb)

Chinese Queens 2.1
Shareware ($10.00) by 'Stef'
for the Macintosh (versions
for Power PC and 68k). For 2, 4 or 6 players, all human or computer
players. Two game styles, a simple game, or a full championship.
Network play (not in shareware version). Shareware version expires after 15
CQPPC.hqx (PowerPC version) 689 kb
CQ68k.hqx (Mac 68k) 605 kb

eGames Chinese Checkers |

Retail ($9.99)
game. 8
different board layouts and sound effects.
Req.: Windows 95/98/XP/Me, DirectX 7
Buy and download (6,6 mb) from eGames.

From Corner to Corner 1.0 |

Game from the Russian 'Arsenal Inc.'. 2 - 4
player variant, play against friends or the computer. Sound. Old game
(1992 by Gamos), but cute, cartoony graphics.
Was abandoned for several years; but is now available for purchase again. Req.: Win 95/98/NT. Also
known as just 'Corners'.
- 0,9 mb demo (annoying nag screen)

Halma 1.1/Chinese Chequers 1.1

Shareware (EUR 10,-) game made by Oliver
Kraheck, Germany (1999).
English and German language. Rotate
board/colours, 2-6 players (human/computer), 7 speed levels, sound,
hint, highscore. Req.: Windows 95/98/ME/NT.
kraheck_halma.exe (341 kb)

Hoyle Table Games 2004

A retail ($20.95) collection of 18 board games
including Chinese Checkers from Hoyle
(Vivendi). 3 skill levels, music, Facemaker. Amazon.com.
Min. req.: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP, Pentium
233+, 32 mb Ram, 8x CD-ROM, 800x600 screen resolution, 350 mb hd
Seems to have been replaced with 'Hoyle
Puzzle & Board Games 2005' (Amazon.com).
The Chinese Checkers game is also available
in Hoyle Board Games 2002 and 2003 (which also is
available for the Macintosh computer).

Jump Chess 2.32 |
Small and simple
shareware game ($20) made by Zhao
bao Min / ZL games (2004). For two players. Beginner and
Master level, sound. Also available as one of five games in the
compilation 'Chesses 1.01' (Chess, Gobang, Jump
Chess, Othello, Chinese Chess - also at $20).
Req.: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
jumpchess.zip (249 kb) (Jump Chess)
- chesses_execute.exe (1mb)

Silke Halma 1.0

Chinese Checkers for the
PocketPC. Made by german company Silkesoft.
Several levels, unlimed undo/ redo, open/ save games
shareware. Req.: Windows CE 3.0 or above supporting the
Compact Framework.
Desktop Installer archive for Pocket PC
(251 kb)

TF Chinese Checkers 1.2
Made by TF System ($14.99) for the Palm OS
4.0 or higher. Gray or color. Author:
Palmsoft. Nice
review at Mobile
Tech Review
- TFChineseCheckers.1.2_trial.zip
(261 kb)

Zillions of Games 2.01 |

A universal game engine (1000+ games) who
includes a Chinese Checkers and Halma game. Price:
$24.98. Req.: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, 800x600+, DirectX 8+, 38 mb hd
space. Demo available (17-20 mb) - download from Zillions
of Games
Koohg 1.04

This is
...eehh.. something similar enough to be listed here. Seems to have the
Halma / Chinese Checkers rules. 2 or 4 player strategic board game,
totally customable (board shape, number of pieces, start position etc.).
Shareware ($19.95) by Artishock, but sadly abandonware (1998) and the
trial only lasts for seven days.
koohginst.exe (1.04 mb)
ETCCKR Chinese Checker CD-ROM

site: You can now play
this popular Chinese game on the computer. Challenge one or two
opponents with 10 or 15 marbles. Sorry that the interface is in
Chinese. If we get enough requests, we may consider translating the
user's manual into English. Requirements: 486 or better, Windows
95/Windows NT or higher. This program is in Chinese Interface.
$6.00 + $2.50 s/h. Buy from Yutopian


2004 -2006 Vegard Krog Petersen